1. Don't wear skirts over jeans, its weird and ugly.
2. Peep toe boots are weird and ugly, no matter how trendy they are. It completely defeats the point of boots if your toes are just going to be cold. Don't wear them. Using the same logic I shouldn't like 3/4 sleeves on blazers or cardigans but I do so you can totally wear those.
3. Listen to Taylor Swift's speak album. It's the shit and speaks to me even though I'm not 16.
4. Listen to Kanye's Dark and Beautiful. He comes with the same fire and intensity as he did on The College Drop Out.
5. Be in love with Jay Baruchel. He's amazing.
6 Don't be afraid to say no; too many people get caught up in trying to be nice that they forget to be themselves and stand up for what they want and don't want. Don't be one of those people.
7. Don't wear high heels rain boots. They're ugly.
8. If it doesn't fit and they don't have anymore in your size, it was ugly anyway.
9. Never wear khaki pants with a beige top, you'll look nude and that's his weird. Besides, I'm not the biggest fan of plain flesh colored tops or khaki for that matter but if you must, wear the khaki pants but not the top.
10. Do wear bright tights. There adorable and brighten up any ensemble. Do not however wear bright tights that match your bright dress that's just weird and ugly.