Monday, June 13, 2011

emma watson covers vogue

us vogue. july 2011.

ladies and gentlemen, i have been waiting for this since her crazy curly hair in the first harry potter (it reminds me of mine so i have to support it), i knew she would make it to the cover! she looks amazing!

i want to first bow to the amazingness that is mario testino, these photos are gorgeous, i knew there was a reason why he was one of my top 5 photographers. 

now to the clothes, i am in LOVE with every single look. the jacket in the last photo needs to be hanging in my closet and don't even get me started on the skirt in the third photo, i want it so badly i'm going to attempt a diy version.

i love emma watson's new look and style; she's been looking really great lately *tips hat*

i will say that while i do love the photos and the clothes, i do think the makeup is a bit much; however, it's vogue!


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